The documentary “Come See Me in the Good Light” just won the Sundance Festival Favorite Award. It tracks the intimate moments of poet Andrea Gibson as they battle cancer with chemotherapy and intimately shares the life and love they have with their partner, poet, Megan Falley. Meg noted of being a main character in this film that she believes there is a slice of everyone’s life that could make a beautiful film with their beautiful life. I believe this, too. In my work, I see slices of heroic, beautiful, documentary-worthy material every day.

I went back to my hometown for a very sad funeral this month. I arrived in a snowstorm and made my way down icy Ohio turnpikes, memories flooding of my life there. Within moments, I could feel the icy stares and cold words of historic demons trying to take me down. I gripped the steering wheel tighter and determined to rise above those voices. For the next twenty four hours, I white- knuckled it and rose above and beyond that familiar darkness. When I got home, I kind of melted down. The tight grip loosened and I broke.

Heartbreak is one of the hidden landmines of human existence, a genome researcher told Florence Williams for the “Heartbreak” book she was writing about the heart breaking end of her 32 year marriage. A science writer, Florence shares that people who have suffered lost love face increased risk of cardiac arrest, immune system breakdown and even diminished language skills. The most shocking finding, though, was how some people are more resilient than others in the face of heartbreak. Lab studies show that people who know how to appreciate beauty and who can cultivate awe are the ones who come out ahead in the face of suffering loss and broken hearts.

Knowing that we can do these two things to help mend our broken hearts could give us hope, right? Intentionally appreciating beauty and actively cultivating awe can help repair, remedy and nurture our pain in the midst of hard, hurtful, heartbreaking times. I am here to join you in that pursuit. We have to be able to speak of our darkness to be led to the light. Without honest and true conversations, we could miss the beauty that resides within our suffering. Consider that you are the beautiful hero of your own beautiful story. Know that your attempts at creating beauty and cultivating awe can make a mighty impact on your soul. We can look for beauty and awe together. I am here to join you!

If you are looking for ways to deepen the experiences of beauty and awe, consider coming to The Art Way. Every month we get together to share the meditative, free, quiet space of creating.

This Friday, March 7, 2025, we will be making handmade flowers for the first hour and then our beautiful Art Director will lead us through Open Art Studio which is a reflective time of creating freeform, spontaneous art. Beauty and awe often show up and create a balm to whatever you may be going through.

I hope to see you soon! – Beth