Years ago I heard about a heart transplant that blew me away. I have never gotten over it. The mysterious power that lies within the heart is so poignantly manifested in this story.

An eight year old girl received a heart from a murdered ten year old. The girl began having nightmares about the murderer of her donor. They eventually decided to go to the police. From the descriptions found in her dreams, including details of the time, place, clothes the murderer wore and what the little girl had said to him were one hundred percent accurate and the murderer was immediately and easily convicted.

Paul Pearsall, phD wrote about this in his book about tapping into the power and wisdom of our heart energy.

A heart surgeon from Ohio allowed his pastor to come to a surgery he was performing. He explained to him that the heart would be extracted from the chest cavity, then it would be repaired and then it would be returned to
the chest at which time the surgeon would simply tap on the heart and the heart would begin beating again. The surgery unfolded just as the surgeon had described but when the heart was returned, the heart did not beat. The
surgeon tapped several times and also performed more extreme measures but the heart still did not beat. He then walked to the head of the patient, took off his mask and spoke to the woman telling her that the surgery was complete and she needed to tell her heart to beat again. It immediately started beating.

I share these stories to bear witness to the power that lives in our hearts. Every day I see the same kind of power flowing from the hearts of you beautiful people. I am blown away by the courage and wisdom, creativity and healing happening. The messages of your heart are percolating. They want to be known.

Here some ways I have found my heart and her message in me:

      1. Write a letter to the divine about something that is hard for me.
      2. Write a letter from the divine to me about that thing that is hard.
      3. Share my writing with someone trustworthy.
      4. Spend five or more minutes in nature soaking in sensations.
      5. Turn on music that intentionally carries meaning or emotion.

In this month of February, I am especially focused on hearts.

I hope you will be too.

In whatever way you can, turn inward and listen to what might be written on your heart.

And if you ever want to share your message, I am always listening!
