It is a path to your true heart. It is an intentional expression of your soul. It is a way to find solace. It is looking for hope. It is a way of doing something when you don’t know what else to do.
In 1889, Vincent Van Gogh checked himself into a psychiatric hospital. He was there twelve months and produced 150 works. It is often thought that artists find comfort from suffering through their creative endeavors. Van Gogh was seeking peace from his mental health struggles. When he didn’t know what else to do, he took himself to a safe place then did what he knew to do – he painted.
Did you agree with me when I said you are probably a creative genius? Most people don’t. Julia Cameron has spent much of her life helping normal people find their creative power. In her book that inspires millions, The Artist’s Way, she lays out chapter after chapter with practical, meaningful ways to recover creativity. Julia promises that no matter what age we are, what life path we are on, whether art is career, hobby or dream, it is never “too late, too egotistical, too selfish or too silly to work on your creativity”.
– Metaphor. Find something that you can see, smell, hear, feel or taste. Name what it is and notice what it is used for. Now make this a metaphor for you right now. Bonus points if you string a few words together to describe the connection or draw a picture to convey the meaning!
– Mandala. This is an ancient exercise that can be used for spiritual guidance. Coloring, drawing, patterning or doodling in a circle with meditative, sacred intention can bring spiritual awareness.
– Makerspace. Consider coming to our communal event called The Art Way the second Friday of every month where like hearted people will be making art. Creating can bring solace to your pain. Creations can bring dopamine to your brain. Being creative can help you feel sane.
The Art Way is sponsored by NAMI and UTSA Southwest and will be happening monthly on the second Friday of every month. We will be having our very first Art Way on Friday, September 13 from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm at the Old Makerspace Studio at 2659 Eisenhauer Road 78209. This is a space for any adult or caregiver struggling with mental health to find like minded community, artistic expression and emotional freedom. Register by emailing me at Mark your calendars for our October 11, November 15 and December 13 Art Ways, as well! Hope to see you there!!
Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace, and power in it.” (The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron)