How moments through chaos could lead to peace

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“There is peace even in the storm.” (V. Van Gogh)

The metaphor of a hurricane reveals how storms in life can lead to moments of quiet. When the eye of the hurricane passes over, the stillness after the surge can lead to more awareness, more clarity. How can we access insight, support and self knowledge so storms in life can help us grow? Naming our circumstances and feelings, listening to the still small voice inside and imagining what new story we could have on the other side of the storm is our practice this month. May this hurricane season bring us wisdom ever present in nature and ourselves.


Name The Storm

Using the Holmes-Rahe Life Events Scale, find your score. Then find words to specifically describe how you are feeling. This brings mindfulness.


Eye of The Storm

Usher in silence by listening to music, meditating, creating art or sitting in nature. You can hear your voice in the quiet. This brings oneness.


The Other Side

You have made it to the other side. You are amazing. If you will believe this, how do you write the rest of your story? This brings hope.